Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 1

My heart is full tonight of emotion.

Sad, Mad, Disappointed, Happy, Stressed.

I know I've only been at this one week, but instead of losing weight, I've gain 1/2 a pound.  Seriously?  1/2 a pound? 

I'm so mad at myself.  What am I doing wrong?  I exercised at the gym last Thursday and Friday.  Then this week I went Monday, Tuesday and Today.  I've started watching what I'm eating.  Trying to cut back on the calories, the fat and the carbs. 

I need help - what are your tips and tricks on how you lose weight and keep it off?  I'm open to tons of suggestions. 

Please help me - I need to do this not just for esteem purposes, but also for my health.  I have to get this weight off.

1 comment:

Amber Stevenson said...

As far as the eating thing goes...right now I am using something called my fitness pal, it is an app on my phone. The website is It is mostly for counting calories. Their database has lots of restaurants food in it as well as most groceries. When you sign up it will tell you how many calories you should be eating to loose weight based on your weight, goal weight, etc.

It is easier than I thought to use and easy to stay within the calories. I have lost 2 pounds in about a week and a half! Good luck Kim!!