Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Allergies are Ruining My Life

I swear they are.  I've felt bad since Saturday - My throat has been killing me - my nose is running - I have a cough that just won't go away.

It's been my excuse for not going to the gym. 

I walked the neighborhood last night with Parker.

I was going a little too fast for his little legs and ended up carrying him for a bit...

At least it was something. 

I haven't weighed in a while - I'm scared to - scared what the scale will say back to me - that I'll have gained weight...if I have, that won't be good.  Doc said I need to lose at least 1/2 a lb a week. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's getting harder and harder for me to go to the gym at 6am. 

I know that it's important to my health to go and I'm paying for it - but some mornings I just don't want to.

I went Monday night - it was super busy and I wasn't a fan.

I got up and went Tuesday morning -

I failed to go this morning. 

I should have - really should have - but didn't...

I have the munchies tonight - and just want to go eat a butt load of food - but I'm resisting.

I'm not even really hungry - just one of those moods I guess - I dunno

I feel like I've been at this forever - but it's hasn't even been 3 weeks -

Friday, April 8, 2011

Week 2

Week 2 was def a little harder than week 1 I think.

It was harder getting out of bed each morning to exercise - I think I only made it to the gym twice in the morning, but I did walk Tuesday evening around the neighborhood and I mowed the lawn last night - so that counts for something, right??

I am down another pound.  I'm doing better at turning down sweet treats!  I have schwan's tc fudge bars tucked into the freezer that are only 50 calories and it's perfect when I want some chocolate! 

We went to chili's last night for dinner with Adam's parents - It was hard trying to find something healthy to eat besides a plain ol' salad.  So I ordered an Oldtimer - had them put it on a wheat bun and asked for a side salad instead of fries.   They still brought me fries, but I immediately put them in with Parker's fries so they would be off my plate.  I did eat three though!  I just wanted a taste! 
I also took the croutons off my salad and I ordered a vinaigrette salad dressing. 
I dipped my fork in the dressing and then put lettuce on my fork.  That way I ate less dressing and it wasn't swimming in it.  Oh how I love a salad swimming in Ranch Dressing!
I also drank about 4 glasses of water - the waiter said that I must have been thirsty - I guess I was since I hadn't really drank anything after I mowed grass for 45 min.

It's all about making healthier options.  It's hard - but the results will hopefully be worth it.

I put all of my food and exercise into every day.  I used to use, but the app on Adam's phone is a lot better with myfitnesspal, so I switched.  It makes it easy to know how many calories, fat, carbs, etc I have left and an easy way to look back and see what I've done.

Hopefully week three will be successful as well...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

2 lbs down!

I weighed Saturday and I was 2 lbs down.  I think the 1/2 lb gain was just a fluke with the scale...

I mowed grass for an hour Saturday to get a workout in since I didn't head to the gym...

I cheated Sat night though at the movies with my 2 year old and had popcorn and part of an orange cream iccee that was amazing!

Which means I def have to work out tomorrow - for a long time...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 1

My heart is full tonight of emotion.

Sad, Mad, Disappointed, Happy, Stressed.

I know I've only been at this one week, but instead of losing weight, I've gain 1/2 a pound.  Seriously?  1/2 a pound? 

I'm so mad at myself.  What am I doing wrong?  I exercised at the gym last Thursday and Friday.  Then this week I went Monday, Tuesday and Today.  I've started watching what I'm eating.  Trying to cut back on the calories, the fat and the carbs. 

I need help - what are your tips and tricks on how you lose weight and keep it off?  I'm open to tons of suggestions. 

Please help me - I need to do this not just for esteem purposes, but also for my health.  I have to get this weight off.

Target Exercise

I didn't go to the gym yesterday to work out and I was feeling pretty guilty about it last night.  I needed to pick up a few things from Target and Adam went with me.

We walked every single aisle in Target to get some exercise in - we were there 2 hours!  I didn't realize it would take that long to walk a store - and a lot of them we were going down the aisles pretty fast!

I need to go weigh tonight to see how I've done my first week!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 7

I got up yesterday at 6:00 and headed to the gym.  I only did 10 minutes on the elliptical (and thought I was going to die - that sucker is hard) and 21 minutes on the bike (biking 4.33 miles to be exact).

I am really trying hard to be healthy and eat healthy.  I have been tracking my food intake and exercise on it tells you how how many calories you've eaten when you input the food and how many calories you burned working out.  My goal is to lose 2 lbs a week.  I weighed last Thursday to start off the fun - so I'll weigh either tonight or tomorrow to mark my weeks progress - I'm scared I haven't lost anything after watching what I've eaten and exercising.

I didn't go exercise this morning - according to, I should only work out 3 days a week on MWF.  I might go this evening though. 

It's been really hard watching what I'm eating, but I found a cool website ( that lets me input a recipe and it will tell me the nutrition facts for the recipe.  I went through a lot of the recipes on and found the nutrition facts for them, then posted the picture showing what the nutrition facts were with the recipe.  I'm pretty excited about that website.  It's so cool!  I am not excited about how unhealthy a lot of that stuff on the blog really is!

The Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins are pretty healthy though and so I may whip up a batch of those and stick them in the freezer so I have a quick healthy snack!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 5

So I joined the gym Thursday and got Adam a free 7 day pass - he doesn't want to commit to paying for a membership for himself until he graduates (he is working on his masters).  We went and worked out that night.  I did 15 minutes on the treadmill, attempted the elliptical (about killed myself!) and then did some strength training on the arm machines.

On Friday, we went back to the gym and I did 1 mile on the treadmill and 2 miles on the bike.  I attempted the stair stepper and my knee was popping every time I stepped up on it - so I decided it probably wasn't a smart idea.  Then I worked out on the arm machines.

I got up this morning and headed to the gym to work out - it was pretty perfect because hardly anyone was in there...I walked a mile on the treadmill (jogging the last .05mi - not much but it is something) and then I headed to the bike machine and biked 3 1/4 miles.  I worked out only about 30 minutes this morning, but I am proud of myself for getting up and actually working out.

I wish I could watch the pounds in the mirror just fall off - I want immediate results right now and it's not going to happen...
After all the crap I ate this weekend (you know the fried foods at my sisters house in between her boys baseball games - though I did slip a salad in there - and the drumstick ice cream i ate yesterday) I am not surprised that I haven't lost very much.  The ultimate goal is still 150 and I'm hoping to lose 2 lbs a that too much to ask?

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Beginning

I always remember being fat. Always. Though I don't really remember getting picked on at school for it. If they did, it was behind my back when I wasn't looking. I remember not really having friends though.

The kids that did make fun of me were people in my class at church. I remember them drawing on the board stick pictures of themselves and a fat, round person for me. I would go home crying every Sunday to my mom.

I never really got invited anywhere. Later in school, I would start to act out in classes that I knew I could get away with it in. If people weren't going to like the shy, quiet, fat Kimberly, maybe they would like the goofy, funny Kimberly. It's not that I would really act out - just say random things and try to make jokes about things. Though it never really worked either.

I remember going to BYU-Idaho for the first time. I was terrified to meet my roommates (all 5 of them) because of the way I looked. I was scared it would be like Primary (the class for ages 3-11 at church) all over again. Not that they would draw on the board, but that they would make fun and not like me. When I walked in with my brother (Court) who was helping me move in I saw two roommates sitting on the couch watching tv and they were both absolutely skinny - chilling in their pj pants and tank tops. I remember being absolutely jealous.

I didn't want my brother to leave. I wanted him to stay. I remember crying with nerves when he left. He stayed for quite a while though. Help me get set up, took me to the store (I was totally car-less all three semesters at school -- as in no car of my own), etc.

It turned out to be totally different. I became friends with 4 of the 5 girls. They made me feel welcome and like I was part of the "family". They always tried including me in whatever they did (except the 1000s of dates they were always going on haha - they couldn't bring their roommate along on those!).

I lost a little bit of weight maybe 10 lbs being at school and remember coming home the skinniest I had ever been or ever remembered. It wasn't much but it was like 190 or something like that.

Then I met a boy and married him and had two kids --

I recently did blood work for just routine stuff after I had Riglee. My bad cholesterol number was a bit high at like 113 and my A1C test for diabetes was 5.6%. The doctor told me that I needed to diet (a 1200 to 1400 calorie diet even) and exercise.

Luckily, I was able to tell him I had started as soon as he released me (after a c-section, you can't do anything for 6 weeks...I mean anything!). Yesterday, I joined a gym and went and worked out for about 40 minutes. I am feeling it now - I'm not really looking forward to paying for a gym membership, but my health is totally worth it.

I'm tired of being the big, fat sister. I want to get down to a healthy weight. My ultimate goal is to get down to 150 lbs. I have a long way to go, but I am hoping to do it.

I am watching what I eat - kind of going back on the low carb diets I was on when I was pregnant and I am trying not to eat after 7 or 8 (depending on how soon I get dinner ready etc).

I plan on making this my weight loss journal - posting how I'm feeling, what I've eaten, how much I've lost, etc.

So let the Excursion begin...